FOUR AMERICAN PIANO SONATASWilliam Doppmann, Pianist A former winner of the Naumburg, Michaels and Leventritt Competitions, Mr. Doppmann has concertized in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, South America and the Far East as recitalist and as soloist with major orchestras including the Chicago, Cincinnati, Houston, Detroit, Seattle and Tokyo Symphonies, and at numerous festivals including Marlboro, Chamber Music Northwest, Cleveland's Blossom Festival, Ravinia in Chicago, and the Hong Kong and Kuhmo Finland International Festivals. Described as "a pianist giant" by the Washington Post, he has received consistent critical acclaim throughout his career. In New York: "Mr. Doppmann's performance of the Barber sonata was one of the most lucid, authentic and literally spine-tingling in this reviewer's memory," and more recently, "William Doppmann's piano recital Thursday night at Alice Tully Hall was one of the season's most distinctive." A composer himself, Mr. Doppmann brings an added dimension to the performance of these American works.