Michael Udow & Christopher Watts

Michael Udow – Principal percussionist The Santa Fe Opera (1968 - present); Co-ordinator of the percussion program at The University of Michigan (1982 - present). Performs with Keiko Abe, Summit Brass, Equilibrium Dance & Percussion Theatre. Significant Multiple percussion experiences: 1984 American premiere (stage role, Drummer/Madman) The Santa Fe Opera - Hans Werner Henze's We Come to the River, Dennis Russell Davies, conductor; World Premiere - Concerto Soloist - Buffalo Philharmonic - David Felder's Between for solo percussion and orchestra, Jesse Levine, conductor. An Evening of the Three Solo Percussion Works of Herbert Brün. Formerly - Ensemble Member: New Orleans Philharmonic, Blackearth Percussion Group, Tone Road Ramblers, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, Detroit Chamber Winds, University of Illinois Contemporary Chamber Players.

Christopher Watts is currently Professor of Art at Washington State University. He studied at Plymouth College of Art, University of London, Goldsmith's College, and Ohio University. His work has been exhibited widely throughout the USA and Europe. Most recently his work was included in the permanent collection of the Mondriaanhuis Museum in the Netherlands. Selected exhibitions include: Museum of Modern Art, Oxford; Warehouse Gallery, London; Gardner Centre Gallery, University of Sussex; Institute of Contemporary Art, London; Seattle Art Museum, Henry Art Gallery, Seattle; Cheekwood Fine Arts Center, Nashville; Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh; Dulin Gallery of Art, Knoxville; Art Academy of Cincinnati; Kelowna Art Gallery, Canada; Stephen Lacey Gallery, London; Norwich Art Gallery; Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane; Bellevue Art Museum; Khabarovsk Regional Museum, Russia; Artetage, Vladivostok, Russia.

1 Etude I   (Daniel Piccolo)
2 Etude II   (Daniel DeSena)
3 Etude III   (Payton MacDonald)
4 Etude IV   (Daniel Piccolo)
5 Etude V   (Payton MacDonald)
6 Etude VI   (Russell Klenetsky)
7 Etude VII   (Daniel Fineberg & Katherine Gelberg)
8 Etude VIII   (Michael Morrison)
9 Etude IX   (Teun Fetz)
10 Etude X   (Timothy Brown)
11 Etude XI - Unison Version   (Steven Aho & Payton MacDonald)
12 Etude XI - Canon Version   (Steven Aho & Payton MacDonald)
13 Etude XII   (Lee Bockhorn)
14 Etude XIII   (Eli Shapiro)
15 Etude XIV (Excerpted from The Shattered Mirror CD, EQ1)
16 Etude XV   (Jonathan Ovalle)
17 Etude XVI   (Jeremy Church)
18 Etude XVII   (David Tolen)
19 Etude XVIII   (David Endahl)
20 Etude XIX - Version 1   (Michael Morrison)
21 Etude XIX - Version 2   (Michael Morrison)
22 Etude XX   (Steven Aho)

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The Contemporary Percussionist CD by Michael Udow and Christopher Watts