Cyprian Consiglio and John Pennington

Cyprian Consiglio and John Pennington have collaborated once again to soothe the soul, re-affirm the value of the creative spirit that lives within. Equilibrium is pleased to share their refreshing and joyous music with new listeners and those who have appreciated the duo's other Equilibrium offering, Awakening (EQ61).

Cyprian's compassionate voice with sensitive guitar accompaniment weaves most elegantly with John's subtle and, when appropriate, vibrant world drumming and Western percussion playing on a variety of instruments from around the world. The duo is beautifully supported by bassist Bryan Kuban; vocalists, John Mareineke and Shannon Frediani; and violinist Mikylah Myers McTeer.

The texts, many of them carefully translated by Daniel Ladinsky, which inspired Cyprian and John include:

  • The Hafiz poem, "That Lamp That Needs No Oil":
    Shamseddin Muhammad Hafiz
  • The Pulse of God – St. Thomas Aquinas. From the book:
    Love Poems From God, Twelve Voices from the East and West
  • Compassionate and Wise
    Translated and adapted from the Chinese Buddhist Metta Sutta by Rev. Heng Sure;
  • The Day Sky and In a Handful of God – From the book:
    The Subject Tonight is Love, 60 Wild and Sweet Poems
  • Celestial Fire – Eleazar Ben Kaller From the book:
    Poetry for the Spirit, Poems of Universal Wisdom and Beauty Edited by Alan Jacobs Translated by T. Carmi
  • Los Laberintos – Federico Garcia Lorca Y Después and El Silencio; from Selected Verse, A Bilingual Edition edited by Christopher Maurer.
  • The Journey Into Nothing – From the book:
    "The Gift: Poems by Hafiz the Great Sufi Master"
  • On a Bright Day Next Week – Poem from the book:
    Collected Poems of Maya Angelou
  • The Prabhu - Traditional Hindi Bhajan
1 The Journey Into Nothing 4:08
2 In a Handful of God 3:28
3 He Prabhu 6:04
4 The Pulse of God 2:05
5 Ambrosian Gloria 3:10
6 Moon in My Body 4:45
7 Celestial Fire 3:04
8 Los Labirintos 4:58
9 On a Bright Day Next Week 3:15
10 The Day Sky 3:24
11 Matsu Kazé 4:45
12 Compassionate and Wise 3:51
Total Playing Time 46:57

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Compassionate and Wise

Compassionate and Wise CD by Cyprian Consiglio, John Pennington